CEEE programs and projects support educators and early career researchers and connect learners with environmental science topics, including climate change, frozen landscapes, water, natural hazards, community resilience, climate solutions and more.
Action-oriented curriculum that engages middle and high school students in Colorado to investigate wildfire, flood, or drought risk in their hometown and inspire action to increase resilience.
Innovative lessons that combine classroom-friendly datasets with the research-backed instructional practices of Ambitious Science Teaching to support students in making sense of science phenomena.
A collection of 900+ free, peer-reviewed climate and energy educational resources and support for educators.
Education and outreach efforts around the international Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition to the Arctic.
Science-backed curriculum that engages high school students to take action in making their communities more resilient
Five-part curriculum about Antarctic environmental processes and building connections between ice shelves, surface melt, climate change - and penguins!
A free, open-source geospatial data package that makes Greenland-focused research, teaching, and collaboration more accessible.
Documenting the effects of climatic and environmental changes on students' lives and in their communities through short films.
The Broader Impacts portion of the NSF proposal studies the analysis of existing data from Arctic terrestrial stations with multi-year measurements of the surface energy budget, clouds, soil temperature profiles, and basic meteorological measurements.
Monthly professional development webinar series that supports personal learning and provides inclusive opportunities for CIRES researchers to connect and grow together
This webinar series features 10-15 minute presentations followed by 10-15 minutes of Q&A and are all paired with recommended learning materials.
¿Eres un maestro/a buscando oportunidades de aprendizaje a distancia para tus alumnos/as?
Building capacity and resources in climate and resiliency education with secondary science educators.
Accurate air pollution data can help us develop solutions to our region’s persistent air pollution problems.
Free public lectures and workshops for graduate students & postdocs on engaging with communities.
Improvisational theater workshops that engage students and teachers in applying improv to science communication and collaboration.
Los estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria exploran temas locales sobre el cambio climático mediante la producción de cortometrajes.